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Today is February 12, 2025.

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On this day... February 12 in Are You Being Served?...

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Are You Being Served? Lives

01BW Are You Being Served
0102 Are You Being Served

Are You Being Served? is a British sitcom broadcast from 1972 to 1985. It was set in the ladies' and gentlemen's clothing departments of Grace Brothers, a large, fictional London department store. It was written mainly by Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft, with contributions by Michael Knowles and John Chapman. The idea for the show came from Lloyd's brief period in the early 1950s working at Simpsons of Piccadilly, a clothing store which traded for over 60 years until 1999.

The inspiration for the store has also been credited to Rossiters of Paignton department store from the time Lloyd and Croft spent there, and the former Clements of Watford.

Over the course of its 13-year run, only Frank Thornton, Mollie Sugden, John Inman, Wendy Richard and Nicholas Smith appeared in all 69 episodes, and all later featured in the sequel television series, Grace & Favour (also known as Are You Being Served? Again!). In 2004, Are You Being Served? came twentieth in "Britain's Best Sitcom".

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Quote of the Week

Quote1 If your brains were dynamite, you still wouldn't have enough to blow your ears off. Quote2
--Shirley Brahms[src]


Are You Being Served? Database News

  • Wiki created on 1-4-12 Robert Alvarez 04:16, January 5, 2012 (UTC)
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  • The wiki is in need of more contributors. Help as much as you can.

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On this day... February 12 in Are You Being Served?...
This page chronicles events in the Are You Being Served? timeline that take place on this day.

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